Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

Put on your eating smock and grab a plate because it’s time for our annual Thanksgiving show. Istvan and Toby wonder where all the guests have gone, when an impatient phone call provides answers the mystery. Toby also shares a great easy dessert recipe and of course joins Istvan to sing their traditional holiday song. So sit back and enjoy this sweet potato Thanksgiving episode of Istvan’s Imaginary Podcast. Welcome!

Be sure to follow Istvan & His Imaginary Band on your go to streaming service and add your favorite songs of his to your playlists. May we recommend Summertime or Fondue as a start? Ok. Are you ready? Because here comes another super fun episode of Istvan’s Imaginary Podcast. Kids and Family Podcast. #kidsandfamily

Thanks for tuning in, enjoy!

Make sure you’re SUBSCRIBED and following Istvan on all his socials below. And don’t forget to chip in at Istvan’s Venmo (@istvansongs) to keep the show afloat, fun and free for all!


Enjoying the show? Please consider tipping the crew via Venmo to support the podcast Thanks!

Venmo: @istvansongs

Istvan on Spotify: shorturl.at/jCHW5

Istvan on Apple Music: shorturl.at/gGL03

Istvan’s YouTube: www.youtube.com/imaginarykidsongs

Istvan’s Instagram: @iamistvan

Istvan’s TikTok: @iamistvan