Hi, welcome to my website. My name is Istvan. I’m a musician who mostly plays for kids and their families. I was inspired by my daughter. Alot. I like the guitar. I like recording. I’m always working to make cool cleverly crafted songs the whole family will love. Oh dogs, whales, spiders and even possums are things I like too. I think learning stuff and having fun can happen at the same time. Do you want to have fun? If you do then I like that to.

Take a look around at the things I’ve got available for you. I’ve got live concerts coming up, and cool new singles being released and definitely listen to my podcast. It’s available pretty much anywhere podcasts are heard. It might be my favorite thing. I made it specifically for the whole family to listen to on car rides, or rainy days or whenever you need a laugh or a fun way to learn. Thanks for stopping by.



MY Next kids Album

My next kids record will finally be finished and available to purchase, stream and most importantly enjoy this summer. We are finalizing the artwork and submit it and the music to the manufacturer to make a run of actual physical CD’s. I’ll have them at shows this summer bundled with some pretty cool extra’s so be sure to get yours before they sell out. I’ll post more info as we approach the release date. Here are the songs and a glimpse at what the cover will kind of look like. Hope everyone likes the new tunes.

Song List

  • Hello

  • Fredrick The Alligator

  • Diamonds For Your Crown

  • Tooth Fairy

  • Shortest Song In The World

  • Needle Or Pin

  • I’m Hungry

  • Fondue

  • Evie TV

  • Bumpy Ride


My family Podcast

Season 4 is under way with more family fun for everyone!

Istvan’s Imaginary Podcast is filled with colorful characters that deliver humor and music and light learning the whole family can enjoy. The show can be found almost anywhere killer family podcasts are heard, perfect for car rides or making morning or evening routines way more fun.

Be sure to Subscribe and leave a sweet review if you enjoy the show. Thanks!

The show is available everywhere podcasts are heard.

Click any of the links below to subscribe to the pod!!!

▶️ Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2MacJCe

▶️ Apple: https://apple.co/2KWitza

▶️ Pocketcast: https://pca.st/3sgxdawd

▶️ Audible: https://tinyurl.com/h2eze42k

▶️ iHeartRadio: https://ihr.fm/3tDgrWa

▶️ Pandora: https://tinyurl.com/bzn76asu

▶️ Overcast: https://tinyurl.com/w9z6unp8

▶️ Amazon: https://amzn.to/3iQTk5a

▶️ Google: https://bit.ly/3pl0r8J

▶️ Podbay: https://tinyurl.com/2jr679vk

Latest Episode!

My Podcast Commercial

Concert dates

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Follow me via the Bandsintown app! Or check back here to see my newest concert dates, or if I’ll be appearing in your town this summer. Thanks to everyone who came to see me play this year and helped make the concerts so amazing.

If you’d like me to come and perform at your event, venue or library (sorry no birthdays) message us and every effort will be made to make it happen. You can also order my Virtual Concert, which is a great combination of live show and web series sure to entertain, engage and challenge you child or group of children from the comfort of your home or wherever you guys gather.

Go to the Contact Page to get in touch and find out how!

Get the Bands In Town app to follow Istvan

follow My Instagram

Be sure to follow me on Instagram where I post one of a kind content in my Stories and exclusive super fun Reels and Posts. There is also important concert info and Podcast video that gets posted only there. So let’s friend up on IG!

My Instagram: @iamistvan

❤️ Support Istvan’s 🎶

Help Make Music

Guys, I’m really glad you’re visiting my web site. I’ve been rethinking how I share my social media content and have decided to post a ton of cool new stuff here exclusively. Instead of trapping people in a subscription or pay to view I’m simply encouraging my peeps to make a donation via my Venmo or Paypal.

When people leave tips at shows it not only helps me make my new music, etc. but it shows me that they really enjoyed my concert and had a great time. So please consider making my day and leaving a little something in my tip jar and know how much it helps and means to me. Just hit the button below to find my Venmo or search @istvansongs via your app.



You Make It Happen!

Your tips are what keep my concerts going and help me record new music and so much more. Thank you!

I ❤️ Libraries

Not that long ago I performed at the Geneva Library. I was blown away by the space and Tom, the awesome youth program director, reminded me of the added possibilities when playing inside the library.

If anyone is hosting indoor programs, or planning on doing so in the near future, please contact me to discuss a really fun and cool addition to the concerts I perform. With a tiny bit of extra effort we can make a truly interactive experience that will enhance the fun and depth of the show that I try to bring to every place I play.

And for any branches beyond the greater Chicagoland area please consider presenting my virtual concert to your families. It’s a really great hybrid video that combines my web series and live concert and communicates directly to the kids and encourages clever participation as well as entertains.

The virtual concert is a perfect way to test the waters and hopefully pave the way to me coming to perform in person at your branch and hopefully other branches in your area.

I love my experience with libraries and am always excited and proud to be one of the wonderful events being offered. So please email me at: istvansongs@gmail.com and I’ll quickly tell you more.

my Virtual Show Trailor!

Take a quick look at my fun and truly interactive virtual show. Please contact me at istvansongs@gmail.com if you’d like to present the 25 minute program to your groups.